Recumbent bike brands from around the world
On this page you will find a list of all the brands and manufacturers of reclining on a world scale (It is possible that some are missing).
At 3ike we usually work with a selection of brands that we have been filtering over years of experience, based on three fundamental criteria: quality, service and availability. We believe that they are the fundamental pillars to be able to give the best service to our clients.
Therefore, as far as possible we have focused on the best manufacturers in our immediate environment, Europe. Because it is much easier, and also less expensive, to obtain parts and spare parts from nearby and from a common market than from foreign and more distant markets.
In specific cases, we can also supply you with products from other brands. In that case, contact us for availability and price.
Our brands are indicated in bold .
- Aerorider
- Alligt. Velomobiles (Holland)
- Azub (Czech Republic) strong >
- Bachetta (USA)
- (Latvia)
- JM Bicycles (Spain). Montseny Tricycles
- Carbonrecumbent
- Carbontrikes (Sweden)
- Catrike (USA)
- Challenge (Netherlands) < / a>
- Circe Cycles (UK)
- Cruzbike (USA)
- Cycles JV Fenioux (France) li>
- DryCycle (UK) < / li>
- Drymer (Netherlands)
- Easy Racers (USA)
- EC Velo (Hungary)
- Electrom hybrid between bicycle and motorcycle (Canada)
- Flevobike (Netherlands)
- Flux (Alemania)
- Gobiidae (España)
- Go-One (Alemania)
- Greenspeed (Australia)
- Hase Bikes (Alemania)
- Hi-Bent (Argentina)
- HP Velotechnik (Alemania)
- Human Powered Machines
- ICE Trikes (Reino Unido)
- Intercity Bike. Velomóviles (Holanda)
- Katanga (República Checa)
- Kervelo (Noruega)
- KMX (Reino Unido)
- Leiba (Alemania)
- Leitra (Alemania)
- Lightning Bikes (EEUU)
- Linear (Reino Unido)
- Longbikes (EEUU)
- M5 (Holanda)
- Maxarya (Canada)
- Metabikes (Originaria de España, actualmente pertenece a RBR USA -Recumbent Bike Riders-).
- Mirage Bikes. Cerrada.
- Mosquito Velomobiles (Reino Unido)
- Nazca (Holanda)
- Optima (Holanda). Cerrada
- Pannonrider (Hungría)
- Pelso Brevet (Polonia)
- Performer (Taiwan)
- Pima Velobike (Polonia)
- Podbike. Velomóvil (Noruega)
- Räderwerk (Alemania)
- Rainbow (Holanda)
- Rans (EEUU)
- Raptobike (Holanda)
- Rinox (España)
- Rinzler (Rusia)
- Rowcycle (Alemania)
- Rowingbike (Holanda)
- Ruder Rad (Alemania)
- Saeta Trikes (España). Ya desaparecida.
- Schlitter (EEUU)
- Sinner. Velomóviles (Holanda)
- Slyway (Italia)
- Speedy Trikes (Australia)
- Steintrikes (Austria)
- Sun Seeker (EEUU)
- TerraTrike (EEUU)
- Toxy. Reclinadas (Alemania)
- Traix (Alemania)
- Trident Trikes (EEUU)
- Triot Trikes (EEUU)
- Trisled (Australia)
- Troytec (Alemania). Cerrada.
- Trump Trikes (Australia)
- TW-Bents (Taiwan)
- Varibike. Handbikes (Alemania)
- Velayo. Velomóviles (Alemania)
- Velocity Velos (EEUU)
- Velokraft (Hungría). Cerrada.
- Velomo (Alemania).
- Velomobiel. Velomóviles (Holanda)
- Velomobile World (Rumanía)
- (Canada)
- Velomotion (Polonia)
- Velove (Suecia)
- Volae (EEUU)
- Whike (Holanda)
- Windcheetah (Reino Unido)
- Wolf & Wolf (Suiza)
- Zockra. Reclinadas de carbono (Francia)
- Zohrer (Brasil). Cerrada
- Zox Bikes (Alemania)